
Teal Pixel Phone Case Collection

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Product Overview

The latest, trendiest outfit accessory is definitely your phone case! Here’s your chance to get a case to match every fit at a discounted price. Choose your collection and score five of our most popular phone case designs! All five cases must be the same phone size and case type. Black borders only.

A $99.95 value for only $69.99!

Want to accessorize? These cases are all compatible with our adhesive grips and pockets!

Here are the specific designs in this bundle (front to back):

  • Be the Good - teals
  • Seeing Stars - mint
  • Checkered - teal & white
  • Smilies - teal
  • Water Marble - teal, light blue & white

Warranty Information

90 day manufacturer's warranty. If you have any problems with your order please email support@shopabbyrose.com so we can make it right!

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90 day manufacturer's warranty

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